Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 9th: 1st Meeting!

2012 SWM students, don't forget that Friday, December 9th is our first get-together.  We will meet at the Aerie office, 315 South 4th Street East, Conference Room (second floor), Missoula at 4 PM MST.  Anyone needing to Skype in should contact us if you haven't already done-so.  Parents and other relatives with questions are encouraged to be there as well.

In addition to being attended, in person or electronically, but all new students, the majority of the Semester instructors will be there, as will a number 2011 Semester graduates.

In the meeting, we will ask:

Do you have your passports, plane tickets, and immunizations taken care of? 
What questions do you still have about this?
    Have you completed your online background check yet? Don't forget it needs to be notarized.
    PLEASE turn in your Univ. of Montana registration paperwork
    Do you have any questions about the gear list?
    What address should we send your EMT textbook to?  
    Remember that your first reading assignments and online quizzes from the textbook will begin the second week of January.
    What is your plan for paying your final tuition balance?
    If you arrive early in Costa Rica, here are a few suggestions for places to stay...

Please think about these items beforehand and come to the meeting ready to ask questions and get answers.  The importance of pre-planning cannot be overstated.

We look forward to meeting all of you!