Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Day Off

It's the first day of the first weekend.  Classroom gear is stored neatly, quietly awaiting the next scenarios.  Last night, students used the digital projector in the classroom to watch movies and finally catch their breaths.  This morning they are completing a major take-home examination and then have the afternoon to begin exploring some of this area's beauty or catch up on reading (most are doing both).  

Please feel free to post comments on the blog and to share the address with anyone interested in following the semester's progress.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Ground Hog Day! Well, it's official!! Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, guess spring is coming early. Sounds like you will be bringing the 95 degree weather back with you. Will keep a snowball in the freezer for you!! Enjoy your weekend off!
